The Skies Are Not Cloudy All Day
Uncategorized • December 4, 2018

The Skies Are Not Cloudy All Day

To me, as a kid, McDonald’s was a monolith: immutable and, barring an act of God, indestructible. After St. Peter let you pass through the Pearly Gates, he’d bop down to the local Micky Dee’s, mow through the super-sized #7 meal, and grab a soft-serve vanilla cone for the road.

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Crayon The Grids
Geography • October 14, 2014

Crayon The Grids

“Here!” exclaimed Jebediah as he nosed his schooner onto a fan of fertile loam. Come sundown, a makeshift corral encircled his livestock, and by Sabbath eve, the crown of a crude barn rose above the neighboring hummock.

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Visualization • May 9, 2013


Transmissions from a new project on the data frontier:

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Literally Billions
Visualization • April 8, 2013

Literally Billions

Last year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the world’s population topped seven billion, and now stands at approximately 7,077,490,000 as of noon Eastern, April 8, 2013.

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Data Pointed is the home of Stephen Von Worley's data visualization research; a journal of interesting information imagery and news from around the world; and a place where you can spend a few minutes, have a laugh or two, and discover something new. Learn more!



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We love to mine, smelt, purify, and otherwise manipulate data. Please take a gander at some of our classic visualizations:

The Color Strata

The Color Strata

I’m an incorrigible data hound. So, once the tempting aroma of XKCD’s color name survey results tickled my nose, I had no choice – but to run to the dining room, stand up on my hind legs, and yank that statistical top sirloin off the table. Om nom nom yum yum yum!

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Kung Fu Typing

Kung Fu Typing

If you’re one of the fortunate few who’s successfully completed a typing class, dance those ballerina fingers across the keyboard, you lucky devil!

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A Disturbance In The Force

A Disturbance In The Force

Imagine, if you will, the burger force – a field of energy radiating from every freshly-cooked patty, earth-penetrating and inverse-squared with distance, that compels the hungry carnivore to seek out and devour the well-done ground beef at the source.

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