Stuff White People Like

by Stephen Von Worley on September 14, 2010

Is Stuff White People Like really the stuff that white people like? OkCupid delivers the answer with its trademark panache, by scientifically mashing 500,000+ online dating profiles into lists of “interests” for each race and gender. For example, as a Caucasian male, I’m statistically prone to use these phrases to advertise myself:

OkCupid's White Male Likes

All this checks out, because back in my dating days, nothing worked better than the Bittersweet Confession. Oh, that fateful day! – when I had to strap my Van Halen collection to the Harley, roll on down to the pawn shop, and hock ’em both for a cherry set of golf clubs and box of used Clancy’s. The ladies go gaga over an honest man who’s in touch with his feelings.

Read the full set of ethno-demographic revelations – for men and women of every color – in OkCupid’s The REAL ‘Stuff White People Like’.

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